Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's time to invest in some new heavy equipment tires


With Spring in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere, it's time to invest in new heavy equipment tires. Winter snow, ice, and unforgiving frozen terrain can take their toll on your tires. The brutally cold temperatures can lead to damage that doesn't even make itself known until seasonal temperatures begin to rise and by then, you might be looking at worse problems than loose gravel and rivers of mud.

For the safety of your operators, as well as the benefit of your company, tires are critical when it comes to regular, scheduled maintenance. Tire failure means work hours lost, expensive repairs, and even worse, cranky mechanics. A wide range of problems can be avoided, from basic tire failure to more catastrophic events, including loss of life if routine tire replacement is part of your scheduled maintenance rotation.

Contact us for suggestions on the best tires for your type of terrain, climate, workload, and even tire durability for wherever the job takes you. You can breathe easy knowing that your equipment is running on the most reliable and cost effective rubber for your dollar. We also offer PressurePro TPMS so you and your operators have real time info on tire temperatures and pressures.

The biggest complaints your mechanics should have is about how awful the coffee is in the lunchroom, not about how the front end loader has been driving on cords for the last hundred hours of operation. We can help you with the tires, but probably not the coffee. ;)

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  2. Trident International offers wide range of solid skid tires for industrial use. Tires are durable and lasts for long.
